By January 29, 2021, according to Redaktions Netzwerk Deutschland (RND), 1.7 million people in Germany had been vaccinated against Covid-19. 69 deaths were reported in context, which were investigated by the Paul Ehrlich Institute, writes
The deceased were between 56 and 100 years old.
For example, in the district of Diepholz in Lower Saxony, a 90-year-old resident of a nursing home died on January 13, about an hour after he received the Covid-19 vaccine.
But the Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI), as the Federal Institute for Vaccines and Biomedical Drugs, has addressed this issue and, after analysis, concluded: Corona vaccinations were not the cause of death in Germany.
According to the president of the Institute, Klaus Cichutek, the 69 deaths that were reported from one hour to 18 days after vaccination with Biontech / Pfizer or Moderna vaccibes, were not caused by vaccination.
“There is no reason to assume that they were caused by vaccination,” Cichutek said. “People are often suffering from other diseases. It is plausible that these underlying diseases lead to death. ”
Interestingly enough, they don’t apply the same standard to old people dying WITH Covid-19.
Back in May, Johns Hopkins projected millions of preventable child deaths, due to economic disruptions. Presumably mostly in third world countries, so I guess they don’t matter.
If you had any illusions that pharmaceutical companies, which have held the global economy hostage until their ransom is paid, cared at all about human suffering…