Tesla Driver Caught Doing 93 MPH While Completely Asleep

A Canadian cop pulled over a Tesla driver who was completely asleep while his car was doing 93 miles per hour. It's hard to...

Tank Downs Cruise Missile with Hypersonic Smart Bullet

In the "Science Fiction" side of the news, we just got word that the US Air Force is testing a HVP weapon. In laymen's...

Greece: Migrants Burned Moria Refugee Camp Because They Were Mad About Coronavirus Measures

According to a recent report from Reuters, 5  migrants/asylum seekers were arrested by Greek police following a fire that obliterated the Moria refugee camp...

Federal Judge Rules Pennsylvania’s Lockdown was Unconstitutional

A federal judge appointed by president Donald Trump has declared that Pennsylvania’s lockdown was unconstitutional. U.S. District Judge William Stickman IV wrote in his...

Israel First Country to Impose “Second Lockdown”

According to a recent declaration from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Jews are again leading the way, this time in becoming the first country...

Chris Black

"Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed: everything else is public relations."