Martin Mathe on Increasing Speed and Reducing Friction with Blue-Collar Recruiting Tech, Appyhere

“I’m not a salesman, I’m a practitioner. I think a big part of what has made Appyhere successful is my approach to marketing and...

Silicon Valley Tech Litigation Veteran Bob Zeidman Pivots to the Online Casino Realm with Good Beat Games

“In poker, you have to get lucky, even the best players have to get lucky. It reminds me in some ways of business.” The story...

From Scaling Successful Food Ventures to Innovating on the Crypto Fitness Scene: John Keh’s Unconventional Journey to Creating Impakt

As cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum became more mainstream, smaller subsets of communities are innovating at a breakneck pace. Crypto is just a small...

WiredVibe CEO, Vlad Alecu Talks Functional Music, and Artificial Intelligence to Boost Focus

The music industry has been rapidly evolving throughout the last decade. These days we can manipulate instruments, voices, and beats to make the award-winning...

Removing the Barriers to Immigration: Marc-André Ranger Talks About Using Technology to Solve Bottleneck Issues in Immigration Law

Immigration makes up a substantial proportion of population growth both in Canada and the U.S. It plays a huge role in job fulfillment and...

Naomi Peng

Naomi is a business journalist who specializes in crafting the most inspiring stories about entrepreneurs, the startup world, and investment trends.