More Than 10,000 Deaths Caused by COVID Vaccines Reported by European Agencies


More than 10,000 people died shortly after COVID-19 vaccination in December, US and European authorities said. Deaths include more than 7,100 in Europe, according to the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and 3,005 reported by the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC), LifeSiteNewsreports.

As of Tuesday, EudraVigilance, the EMA’s database of adverse drug reports, reported 4,036 “fatal results” after vaccination with Pfizer, as well as 1,922 and 1,234 deaths after vaccines given by Moderna and , by AstraZeneca.

EudraVigilance also reported 20 deaths from the COVID-19 vaccine developed by Johnson & Johnson. The database revealed more than 200,000 injuries, possibly related to the four vaccines, of which tens of thousands of cases considered “serious”. The US government also reported 3,005 deaths and more than 56,869 side effects after the April 12 coronavirus vaccinations.

The injuries in the United States are being tracked by VAERS, a surveillance system overseen by the CDC and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Among the adverse reaction reports for the COVID-19 vaccine published by VAERS, 42% of deaths occurred in people who became ill within 48 hours of inoculation. “Vaccination campaigns, apparently, often take place in nursing homes without ensuring in advance that the person affected has not already contracted an infection,” said Dr. Frank Gunter, a German medical expert, who indicated the“ insufficiently researched long-term consequences ”of vaccines.

“I have never seen such a large number of side effects of a vaccine,” said Parisian infectious disease specialist Prof. Eric Caumes last year. “No, really, it’s too much, maybe there’s a problem,” he told Le Parisien. The conclusion of LifeSiteNews is that all healthy people who contract the Covid virus survive, especially with certain treatment schemes.

Chris Black
Chris Black
"Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed: everything else is public relations."