Nobel Prize Winners: What You Missed About the $1 Million Prize in 2020

Nobel Prizes are generally presented to the laureates in Stockholm and Oslo in December

Nobel Prize Winners: What You Missed About the $1 Million Prize in 2020

Nobel Prize is the most prestigious award given to the contributors in Chemistry, literature, peace, and other fields.

Every year the Nobel Prize committee announces the prizes in October. This year the committee in Sweden and Norway declared the laureates in Medicine, Physics, and Chemistry, starting from Monday.

The announcement will end next Monday with the Prize in Economic Sciences.

Nobel Prize Winners: What You Missed About the $1 Million Prize in 2020
The will of the Alfred Nobel established the five Nobel prizes in 1895; File Photo

However, some Stockholm events in December where the recipients usually receive the prizes will be replaced by a digital ceremony.

The peace prize ceremony, on the other hand, will be held in Oslo with a limited gathering.

Nobel Prize Announced So Far in 2020

The Nobel Prize committee announced the 2020 winners in three fields so far-

      • Physiology or Medicine,
      • Physics and
      • Chemistry;

Three Nobel laureates in Medicine are Drs. Harvey J. Alter, Michael Houghton, and Charles M. Rice. They will receive the prize for the hepatitis C virus discovery. According to the committee, they have “made possible blood tests and new medicines that have saved millions of lives.”

The winners in Physics are Roger Penrose, Reinhard Genzel, and Andrea Ghez. Their contribution to understanding the black holes earned them the prize.

“Due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic there will be certain changes in the way this year’s Nobel Peace Prize events will be carried out”


-Norwegian Nobel Institute’s Director Olav Njølstad

Finally, Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer A. Doudna will receive the Chemistry prize for the development of a method for genome editing, Crispr-Cas9. The winners will get 10 million Swedish krona or $1 Million, which is $112,000 more than the previous year.

According to the announcement, the medals and diplomas of the Stockholm event will be distributed to the Nobelists by the respective embassies and will be invited in the 2021 event if the pandemic situation improves.

However, reports show that previously the 2018 ceremony was also postponed due to a crisis and awarded last year with the 2019 winners.

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Ehsanul Hoq
Ehsanul Hoq is a freelance writer and researcher in the Business and Finance domain. He regularly writes for blogs, startups, and agencies. He covers business-related trending topics like Cryptocurrency, Personal Finance, Technology, and Real Estates.